Underscript[x, y] is an object that formats as UnderscriptBox[x, y].
WindowFrame is a notebook option that specifies the type of frame to draw around the window in which the notebook is displayed on the screen.
$HistoryLength specifies the number of previous lines of input and output to keep in a Mathematica session.
$NumberMarks gives the default value for the option NumberMarks, which specifies whether ` marks should be included in the input form representations of approximate numbers.
$SystemID is a short string that identifies the type of computer system on which Mathematica is being run.
Within a standard interactive session, you can create "subsessions" or dialogs using the Mathematica command Dialog. Dialogs are often useful if you want to interact with ...
A Clairaut equation is a first-order equation of the form A remarkable feature of this nonlinear equation is that its general solution has a very simple form. This is an ...
Ways to change the overall options for a notebook. This creates a notebook displayed in a 40×30 window with a thin frame. Style options for a notebook.
Throughout any computation, Mathematica maintains an evaluation stack containing the expressions it is currently evaluating. You can use the function Stack to look at the ...
mint MTensor_getFlattenedLength (MTensor t) gets the total number of elements in an MTensor.