SeriesCoefficient[series, n] finds the coefficient of the n\[Null]\[Null]^th-order term in a power series in the form generated by Series. SeriesCoefficient[f, {x, x_0, n}] ...
SinghMaddalaDistribution[q, a, b] represents the Singh\[Dash]Maddala distribution with shape parameters q and a and scale parameter b.
Newton's method for nonlinear equations is based on a linear approximation so the Newton step is found simply by setting M_k(p)=0, Near a root of the equations, Newton's ...
Histogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}] plots a histogram of the values x_i.Histogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}, bspec] plots a histogram with bin width specification bspec.Histogram[{x_1, x_2, ...
(Numerical Calculus Package Symbol) ND[expr, x, x_0] gives a numerical approximation to the derivative of expr with respect to x at the point x_0.ND[expr, {x, n}, x_0] gives a numerical approximation to the ...
ProbabilityDistribution[pdf, {x, x_min, x_max}] represents the continuous distribution with PDF pdf in the variable x where the pdf is taken to be zero for x < x_min and x > ...
InverseGammaDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents an inverse gamma distribution with shape parameter \[Alpha] and scale parameter ...
DatabaseLink allows other Mathematica applications to hold resource information for database connections in DatabaseResources directories. There are a number of possible ...
One significant advantage Mathematica provides is that it can symbolically compute derivatives. This means that when you specify Method->"Newton" and the function is ...
The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It lets you build executables, libraries, and object files from C source code. ...