(Computational Geometry Package Symbol) TileAreas[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}, {q_1, q_2, ...}, val] finds the areas of the tiles centered on {x_i, y_i} and having vertices q_j as stipulated by the vertex ...
The Experimental Functions Package contains functions that are being considered for official inclusion in future versions of Mathematica.
OrderStarLegend is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies whether to display the legend of symbols used to represent zeros, poles and interpolation points.
HamiltonianCycles[g, n] gives a list of n Hamiltonian cycles.HamiltonianCycles[g] gives a list of one Hamiltonian cycle.
TeleportProbability is an option to PageRanks, PageRankVector, LinkRanks, and LinkRankMatrix that specifies the probability that an internet user may choose to visit a vertex ...
KnownVariance is an option to statistical confidence interval and hypothesis test functions that specifies the value of the population variance.
EllipsoidProbability[dist, ellipse] gives the cumulative probability of dist over ellipse centered at the mean of dist.
(Music Package Symbol) A0 gives the frequency of the note A in octave 0.
(Music Package Symbol) A1 gives the frequency of the note A in octave 1.
(Music Package Symbol) A2 gives the frequency of the note A in octave 2.