RowAlignments is an option for the low-level function GridBox that specifies how entries in each row should be aligned.
ScriptBaselineShifts is an option for Style that specifies the minimum distance in x-heights to shift subscripts and superscripts.
ScriptMinSize is an option for Style that specifies the minimum font size to use in rendering subscripts, etc.
ShowPageBreaks is a notebook option that specifies whether to indicate in the on-screen display of a notebook where page breaks would occur if the notebook were printed.
StringToStream["string"] opens an input stream for reading from a string.
StyleBoxAutoDelete is an option for selections that specifies whether a StyleBox wrapped around them should be automatically removed when the expression is edited.
Temporary is an attribute assigned to symbols which are created as local variables by Module.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) TrueQ[expr] yields True if expr is True, and yields False otherwise.
UnderscriptBoxOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for selections that specifies settings for UnderscriptBox objects.
VertexColors is an option for graphics primitives which specifies the colors to assign to vertices.