ParsedBoxWrapper is a wrapper that wraps parsed boxes which come from the TagBox expressions that are embedded in Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation statements.
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherHeight[tree] gives the height of tree.
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherOrder[tree] gives the number of vertices in tree.
ButcherPlotNodeSize is an option to ButcherPlot that specifies a scaling factor for the nodes of the trees in the plot.
ButcherPlotRootSize is an option to ButcherPlot that specifies a scaling factor for the circle highlighting the root.
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherRowSum is an option to RungeKuttaOrderConditions that specifies whether the row\[Dash]sum conditions for the \[FormalC]_i should be added to the list of order ...
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherWidth[tree] gives the width of tree.
ContinuousExtension is an option to RungeKuttaOrderConditions and related functions that specifies whether to generate order conditions for continuous extensions of ...
DiagonallyImplicit is a setting for the option RungeKuttaMethod specifying the type of Runge\[Dash]Kutta method to be generated.
RungeKuttaMethod is an option to ButcherPhi and related functions that specifies the type of method to be generated.