Widget["ImageLabel"] represents an image label.
This example uses Widget["ColorChooser"] and includes sample code demonstrating how to
This example shows how to generate a reusable progress bar panel and use it as a modeless dialog for displaying progress with your own Mathematica calculations. There are ...
Benchmark[] runs the MathematicaMark8 benchmark.
BenchmarkReport[] runs the benchmark and produces a report in a separate notebook comparing this system to a selection of reference systems. BenchmarkReport["system_1", ...
Calendar is an option for calendar functions which specifies which calendar system to use.
ButterflyGraph[n] returns the n-dimensional butterfly graph, a directed graph whose vertices are pairs (w, i), where w is a binary string of length n and i is an integer in ...
FromAdjacencyMatrix[m] constructs a graph from a given adjacency matrix m, using a circular embedding. FromAdjacencyMatrix[m, v] uses v as the embedding for the resulting ...
MakeGraph[v, f] constructs the graph whose vertices correspond to v and edges between pairs of vertices x and y in v for which the binary relation defined by the Boolean ...
NetworkFlow[g, source, sink] returns the value of a maximum flow through graph g from source to sink. NetworkFlow[g, source, sink, Edge] returns the edges in g that have ...