(Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol) MeanCI[list] gives a confidence interval for the population mean estimated from list.
StudentTPValue[x, df] gives the cumulative probability beyond x for Student's t distribution with df degrees of freedom.
VarianceCI[list] gives a confidence interval for the population variance estimated from list.
MultivariateKurtosis[matrix] gives a multivariate kurtosis coefficient for matrix.
SpearmanRankCorrelation[xlist, ylist] gives Spearman's rank correlation coefficient \[Rho] for the real-valued vectors xlist and ylist.
JustMajor is an interval list for the Just Major scale.
LegendBackground is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of background to use with a legend.
LegendBorder is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of the line surrounding key boxes and text in a legend.
LegendLabelSpace is an option for Legend, which specifies the space for LegendLabel.
LegendShadow is an option for Legend which specifies the shadowing drawn around the legend.