DialogReturn[expr] closes a dialog window, returning the expression expr from the dialog.DialogReturn[] closes a dialog window, returning Null.
DistributionParameterQ[dist] yields True if dist is a valid distribution, and yields False otherwise.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) x/y or Divide[x, y] is equivalent to x y^-1.
EllipticExp[u, {a, b}] is the inverse for EllipticLog. It produces a list {x, y} such that u == EllipticLog[{x, y}, {a, b}].
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) E is the exponential constant E (base of natural logarithms), with numerical value \[TildeEqual] 2.71828.
GaussianIntegers is an option for FactorInteger, PrimeQ, Factor, and related functions that specifies whether factorization should be done over Gaussian integers.
LoopFreeGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g has no self-loops, and False otherwise.
NoncentralBetaDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Delta]] represents a noncentral beta distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha], \[Beta] and noncentrality parameter \[Delta].
NotebookLocate["tag"] locates all cells with the specified tag in your current input notebook, selecting the cells and scrolling to the position of the first one. ...
OutputSizeLimit is an option for notebooks which specifies the maximum size in bytes of expressions that will automatically be output in their entirety.