MachineIntegerQ[expr] returns True if expr corresponds to a machine-sized integer, and False otherwise.
EquationTrekkerNonModal is the nonmodal dialog version of EquationTrekker.
TrekGenerator is an option to EquationTrekker that specifies the method used to generate treks.
IrreduciblePolynomial[s, p, d] gives an irreducible polynomial in the symbol s of degree d over the integers modulo the prime p.
Derivatives is an option to MiniMaxApproximation and GeneralMiniMaxApproximation that specifies an expression that evaluates to a list containing the function and its first ...
OrderStarKind is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies the type of order star to be displayed.
RemoveSinks is an option of PageRanks, PageRankVector, LinkRanks and LinkRankMatrix that specifies whether sinks are removed by linking with all vertices.
HighlightLevel is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies the level at which to highlight the dendrogram.
HighlightStyle is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies the style for highlighted clusters.
FullReport is an option to hypothesis test functions that specifies whether all report information should be returned.