int MLBytesToGet (MLINK link, int *n) calculates the number of bytes left to read in the textual representation of the current data and stores the result in n.
int MLGetData (MLINK link, char *b, int len, int *count) gets textual data from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing the result in a buffer b of maximum length ...
int MLGetInteger16 (MLINK link, short *i) gets a 16-bit integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it as a C short in i.
int MLGetInteger32 (MLINK link, int *i) gets a 32-bit integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it in i.
int MLGetInteger (MLINK link, int *i) gets an integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it in i.
int MLGetNext (MLINK link) goes to the next object on link and returns its type.
int MLGetReal128 (MLINK link, mlextended_double *d) gets an extended-precision floating-point number from link and stores it in d.
int MLGetReal32 (MLINK link, float *x) gets a single-precision floating-point number from link and stores it as a float in x.
int MLGetReal (MLINK link, double *x) gets a floating-point number from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it in x.
int MLGetUTF16Symbol (MLINK link, const unsigned short ** s, int *n, int *c) gets a UTF-16 character string corresponding to the name of a symbol from the MathLink connection ...