int MLPutSymbol (MLINK link, const char *s) puts a symbol whose name is given by the character string s to the MathLink connection specified by link.
mltimeval is a MathLink type used for storing time arguments.
int MLCheckFunction (MLINK link, char *name, long *n) checks that a function whose head is a symbol with the specified name is on link, and stores the number of the arguments ...
int MLFlush (MLINK link) flushes out any buffers containing data waiting to be sent on link.
int MLGetArgCount (MLINK link, int *n) finds the number of arguments to a function on link and stores the result in n.
int MLGetInteger64 (MLINK link, mlint64 *i) gets a 64-bit integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it in i.
int MLGetLinkedEnvIDString (MLINK link, const char ** e) returns the identification string of the MathLink environment connected to link and stores it in e.
int MLGetUCS2Symbol (MLINK link, const unsigned short ** s, int *len) gets a UCS-2 character string corresponding to the name of a symbol from the MathLink connection ...
int MLGetUTF32Symbol (MLINK link, const unsigned int ** s, int *len) gets a UTF-32 character string corresponding to the name of a symbol from the MathLink connection ...