int MLPutInteger64List (MLINK link, mlint64 *a, int n) puts a list of n 64-bit integers starting from location a to the MathLink connection specified by link.
int MLPutMessage (MLINK link, int msg) sends the message msg to the link object link.
int MLPutMessageWithArg (MLINK link, int msg, int arg) sends the message msg and its argument arg to the link object link.
void MLReleaseEnvIDString (MLINK link, const char *s) disowns the memory allocated by MLGetLinkedEnvIDString() to store the identification string s.
void MLReleaseString (MLINK link, const char *s) disowns memory allocated by MLGetString() to store the character string s.
void MLReleaseUCS2String (MLINK link, unsigned short *s, int n) disowns memory allocated by MLGetUCS2String() to store the string s.
void MLReleaseUTF32String (MLINK link, const unsigned int *s, int len) disowns memory allocated by MLGetUTF32String() to store the UTF-32 encoded string s.
int MLSetEnvIDString (MLENV env, const char *eid) sets the MathLink environment identification string to eid.
int MLSetMessageHandler (MLINK link, MLMessageHandlerObject h) installs the urgent message handler function referenced by h for for link.
int MLSetSignalHandlerFromFunction (MLENV ep, int s, void *sf) installs the Unix signal handler pointed to by sf for signal s in the MathLink library signal-handling ...