int MLError (MLINK link) returns a value identifying the last error to occur on link. MLError() returns MLEOK if no error has occurred since the previous call to ...
int MLEndPacket (MLINK link) inserts an indicator in the expression stream that says the current expression is complete and is ready to be sent.
int MLPutByteSymbol (MLINK link, const unsigned char *s, long l) puts a symbol whose name is given by the character string s of length l to the MathLink connection specified ...
int MLPutType (MLINK link, int type) prepares link to put an object of the specified type.
int MLPutRawData (MLINK link, const unsigned char *d, int l) puts raw character data or numeric data from d of length l bytes to link.
MLMARK MLCreateMark (MLINK link) creates a mark at the current position in a sequence of expressions on a link.
void MLDeinitialize (MLENV env) destructs the MathLink environment object.
(Mathematica MathLink C Function) MLENV is a MathLink type representing a MathLink library environment.
int MLEvaluate (MLINK link, char*string) sends a string of input suitable for use with ToExpression[] to Mathematica for evaluation.