It is often useful to be able to detect and precisely locate a change in a differential system. For example, with the detection of a singularity or state change, the ...
When working with graphics in Mathematica , you may want to combine several graphics into a single image. Mathematica can combine graphics by overlaying them or by embedding ...
Although Mathematica matches patterns in a purely structural fashion, its notion of structural equivalence is quite sophisticated. In particular, it takes account of ...
ListInterpolation[array] constructs an InterpolatingFunction object that represents an approximate function that interpolates the array of values given. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) SortBy[list, f] sorts the elements of list in the order defined by applying f to each of them.
RowReduce[m] gives the row-reduced form of the matrix m.
Mathematica's symbolic architecture and dynamic interface make possible a uniquely flexible and convenient approach to charting and information visualization. With ...
$PreRead is a global variable whose value, if set, is applied to the text or box form of every input expression before it is fed to Mathematica.
LerchPhi[z, s, a] gives the Lerch transcendent \[CapitalPhi] (z, s, a).
Lighting is an option for Graphics3D and related functions that specifies what simulated lighting to use in coloring 3D surfaces.