(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Trigger[Dynamic[u]] represents a trigger that can be pressed to make the dynamically updated value of u be continually increased with time from 0 to 1. Trigger[Dynamic[u], ...
ListPlay[{a_1, a_2, ...}] creates an object that plays as a sound whose amplitude is given by the sequence of levels a_i.
VertexDelete[g, v] makes a graph by deleting the vertex \[Nu] and all edges connected to v from the graph g.VertexDelete[g, {v_1, v_2, ...}] deletes a collection of vertices ...
GraphHighlightStyle is an option to Graph and related objects that specifies styles to use for highlighted graph elements.
IndependentVertexSetQ[g, vlist] yields True if the vertex list vlist is an independent vertex set in the graph g and False otherwise.
EmptyGraphQ[g] yields True if g is an empty graph and False otherwise.
MouseAnnotation[] gives any mouse annotation associated with the expression at the current mouse position.
EdgeCoverQ[g, elist] yields True if the edge list elist is an edge cover of the graph g and False otherwise.
TogglerBar[x, {val_1, val_2, ...}] represents a toggler bar with setting x and with toggler buttons for values val_i to include in the list x.TogglerBar[Dynamic[x], {val_1, ...
FindShortestPath[g, s, t] finds the shortest path from source vertex s to target vertex t in the graph g.FindShortestPath[g, s, All] generates a ShortestPathFunction[...] ...