Mathematica notebooks can have headers and footers that are displayed when the notebook is printed but not on screen. Headers and footers can contain fixed text or dynamic ...
Asynchronous is an option for WolframAlpha that determines whether to use the asynchronous features of the Wolfram|Alpha API.
Evaluator is an option for objects such as Button, Dynamic, and Cell that gives the name of the kernel to use to evaluate their contents.
Transparent represents perfect transparency in graphics or style specifications.
VertexWeight is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies a vertex weight.
WindowStatusArea is a notebook option that specifies what should appear in the status area in the frame of the window used to display the notebook.
BarChart[{y_1, y_2, ...}] makes a bar chart with bar lengths y_1, y_2, ....BarChart[{..., w_i[y_i, ...], ..., w_j[y_j, ...], ...}] makes a bar chart with bar features defined ...
AnimationRunning is an option to Animate and related functions that specifies whether the animation they create is running.
CreateWindow[] creates an empty window in the front end.CreateWindow[nb] creates a window displaying the notebook expression nb, and opens it in the front ...
PreserveImageOptions is an option to graphics and related functions that specifies whether image size and certain other options should be preserved from the previous version ...