CUDAFluidDynamics[] demonstrates computational fluid dynamics using CUDALink.
CreateLibrary[source, name] compiles a string of C code and creates a library file, name.ext.CreateLibrary[{file 1, ...}, name] compiles a number of C source files and ...
SequenceAlignment[s_1, s_2] finds an optimal alignment of sequences of elements in the strings or lists s_1 and s_2, and yields a list of successive matching and differing ...
Long used in its simplest form in mathematics, functional iteration is an elegant way to represent repeated operations. Mathematica's symbolic architecture makes powerful ...
$LibraryError returns the system-dependent error message from loading a library, or None if there was no error.
EventHandler[expr, {"event_1" :> action_1, "event_2" :> action_2, ...}] displays as expr, evaluating action_i whenever "event_i" occurs in connection with expr.
Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture allows arbitrary extensibility in the output and input of notation.
WaveletListPlot[dwd] plots wavelet transform coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletListPlot[dwd, wind] plots wavelet transform coefficients corresponding to the ...
Documentation Center opens the Wolfram Mathematica Documentation Center.
TradingChart[{{date_1, {open_1, high_1, low_1, close_1, volume_1}}, ...}] makes a chart showing prices and volume for each date. TradingChart[{" name", daterange}] makes a ...