FisherZDistribution[n, m] represents a Fisher z distribution with n numerator and m denominator degrees of freedom.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Limit[expr, x -> x_0] finds the limiting value of expr when x approaches x_0.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Solve[expr, vars] attempts to solve the system expr of equations or inequalities for the variables vars. Solve[expr, vars, dom] solves over the domain dom. Common choices of ...
EngineeringForm[expr] prints with all real numbers in expr given in engineering notation. EngineeringForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
PaddedForm[expr, n] prints with all numbers in expr padded to leave room for a total of n digits. PaddedForm[expr, {n, f}] prints with approximate real numbers having exactly ...
ScientificForm[expr] prints with all real numbers in expr given in scientific notation. ScientificForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
Convolution and correlation are central to many kinds of operations on lists of data. They are used in such areas as signal and image processing, statistical data analysis, ...
Mathematica provides a variety of functions for manipulating strings. Most of these functions are based on viewing strings as a sequence of characters, and many of the ...
ListCorrelate[ker, list] forms the correlation of the kernel ker with list. ListCorrelate[ker, list, k] forms the cyclic correlation in which the k \[Null]^th element of ker ...
ProductLog[z] gives the principal solution for w in z == w e^w. ProductLog[k, z] gives the k\[Null]^th solution.