Numerator[expr] gives the numerator of expr.
PowerMod[a, b, m] gives a^b mod m. PowerMod[a, -1, m] finds the modular inverse of a modulo m.PowerMod[a, 1/r, m] finds a modular r\[Null]^th root of a.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) x^y gives x to the power y.
Subfactorial[n] gives the number of permutations of n objects that leave no object fixed.
TrimmedMean[list, f] gives the mean of the elements in list after dropping a fraction f of the smallest and largest elements.TrimmedMean[list, {f_1, f_2}] gives the mean when ...
The general solution to a differential equation contains undetermined coefficients that are labeled C[1], C[2], and so on. This example has one undetermined parameter, C[1]. ...
You can ask for information about any object, whether it is built into Mathematica, has been read in from a Mathematica package, or has been introduced by you. Ways to get ...
TetGenGetEdges[expr] gets the edges in a TetGen expression.
NVariationalBound[f, u[x ], {x, x_min, x_max}, u_t, {a, a_0}, {b, b_0}, ...] numerically searches for values of the parameters a, b, ... of a trial function u_t, starting ...
Checkbox[x] represents a checkbox with setting x, displayed as CheckboxBox[True] when x is True and CheckboxBox[False] when x is False. Checkbox[Dynamic[x]] takes the setting ...