Module and With allow you to give a specific list of symbols whose names you want to treat as local. In some situations, however, you want to automatically treat certain ...
VertexRenderingFunction is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that gives a function to generate the graphics primitives to use in rendering each vertex.
Mathematica can plot parametric functions in both two and three dimensions. Use a parametric plot when you can express the x and y or x , y , and z coordinates at each point ...
TraditionalFunctionNotation is an option for selections that specifies whether input of the form f(x) is interpreted by the kernel as a function or as a product.
EdgeRenderingFunction is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that gives a function to generate the graphics primitives to use in rendering each edge.
LayerSizeFunction is an option for TreePlot that gives a function to specify the relative height to allow for each layer.
CellEvaluationFunction is an option to Cell which gives a function to be applied to every expression from the cell that is sent to the kernel for ordinary evaluation.
Using the latest platform-optimized code, Mathematica not only delivers high-efficiency machine-precision evaluation of elementary functions, but also—using a number of ...
LinearSolveFunction[dimensions, data] represents a function for providing solutions to a matrix equation.
SampledSoundFunction[f, n, r] is a sound primitive that represents a sound whose amplitude sampled r times a second is generated by applying the function f to successive ...