Wavelets are short wavelike functions that can be scaled and translated. Wavelet transforms take any signal and express it in terms of scaled and translated wavelets. The ...
Mathematica provides a compact way of representing boxes in terms of strings. This is particularly convenient when you want to import or export specifications of boxes as ...
NETNewDelegate[type, func] creates a new instance of the specified .NET delegate type whose action is to call the named Mathematica function when triggered.
The functions FindMinimum, FindMaximum, and FindRoot have the HoldAll attribute and so have special semantics for evaluation of their arguments. First, the variables are ...
LinkRead[link] reads one expression from the specified MathLink connection. LinkRead[link, h] wraps h around the expression read before evaluating it.
Mathematica offers support for a large number of file formats for importing, exporting, or other operations. It has several standard locations where it looks for files. You ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sum[f, {i, i_max}] evaluates the sum \[Sum]i = 1 i_max f. Sum[f, {i, i_min, i_max}] starts with i = i_min. Sum[f, {i, i_min, i_max, di}] uses steps d i. Sum[f, {i, {i_1, i_2, ...
DeBruijnGraph[m, n] gives the n-dimensional De Bruijn graph with m symbols.DeBruijnGraph[m, n, type] gives the De Bruijn graph with connectivity given by type.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Select[list, crit] picks out all elements e_i of list for which crit[e_i] is True. Select[list, crit, n] picks out the first n elements for which crit[e_i] is True.
LayeredGraphPlot attempts to draw the vertices of a graph in a series of layers, placing dominant vertices at the top, and vertices lower in the hierarchy progressively ...