RevolutionAxis is an option for RevolutionPlot3D which specifies the revolution axis around which the curve should be rotated.
SyntaxPacket[integer] is a MathLink packet where integer indicates the position at which a syntax error was detected in the input line.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BitXor[n_1, n_2, ...] gives the bitwise XOR of the integers n_i.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs = rhs evaluates rhs and assigns the result to be the value of lhs. From then on, lhs is replaced by rhs whenever it appears. {l_1, l_2, ...} = {r_1, r_2, ...} evaluates ...
Mathematica can export anything it displays—graphics, text, formulas, notebooks—to any standard raster image format. It can also import from such formats to give Mathematica ...
Functions like Read and Find are most often used for processing text and data from external files. In some cases, however, you may find it convenient to use these same ...
CreateObjectFile[source, name] compiles a string of C code and creates an executable file, name.ext.CreateObjectFile[{file 1, ...}, name] compiles a number of C source files ...
DiscreteUniformDistribution[{i_min, i_max}] represents a discrete uniform distribution over the integers from i_min to i_max.DiscreteUniformDistribution[{{i_min, i_max}, ...
SurvivalDistribution[{e_1, e_2, ...}] represents a survival distribution with event times e_i.SurvivalDistribution[{w_1, w_2, ...} -> {e_1, e_2, ...}] represents a survival ...
AbsoluteOptions[expr] gives the absolute settings of options specified in an expression such as a graphics object. AbsoluteOptions[expr, name] gives the absolute setting for ...