Mathematica allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard ...
Of particular importance in handling high-throughput programmatic graphics are Mathematica's sophisticated mechanisms for controlling graphics size and shape—allowing ...
Mathematica's core tree-oriented symbolic language makes it uniquely suited to working with XML. Mathematica can not only import—from files or the web—arbitrary XML with any ...
RecordSeparators is an option for Read, Find, and related functions that specifies the list of strings to be taken as delimiters for records.
Conjugate[z] or z\[Conjugate] gives the complex conjugate of the complex number z.
TetGenLink is a Mathematica application that makes the functions of TetGen available to Mathematica. This is done with Wolfram LibraryLink, which allows TetGen to be used in ...
IntegerPart[x] gives the integer part of x.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Through[p[f_1, f_2][x]] gives p[f_1[x], f_2[x]]. Through[expr, h] performs the transformation wherever h occurs in the head of expr.
LabelStyle is an option for formatting and related constructs that specifies the style to use in displaying their label-like elements.
BitShiftRight[n, k] shifts the binary bits in the integer n to the right by k places, dropping bits that are shifted past the unit's position on the right. BitShiftRight[n] ...