VertexLabelStyle is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies the style to use for vertex labels.
Unicode: 0151. Alias: Esc o'' Esc. Letter. Included in ISO Latin-2. Used in Hungarian, for example in the name Erd ős.
expr /. rules applies a rule or list of rules in an attempt to transform each subpart of an expression expr.
OrderStarInterpolation is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies whether interpolation points of an approximant to a function should be displayed.
ComplexExpand[expr] expands expr assuming that all variables are real. ComplexExpand[expr, {x_1, x_2, ...}] expands expr assuming that variables matching any of the x_i are ...
InverseGaussianDistribution[\[Mu], \[Lambda]] represents an inverse Gaussian distribution with mean \[Mu] and scale parameter \[Lambda].InverseGaussianDistribution[\[Mu], ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Factor[poly] factors a polynomial over the integers. Factor[poly, Modulus -> p] factors a polynomial modulo a prime p. Factor[poly, Extension -> {a_1, a_2, ...}] factors a ...
Many times in statistical analysis you may need to know if a population mean is significantly different from some reference value. This is a type of t-test if the population ...
FactorTerms[poly] pulls out any overall numerical factor in poly. FactorTerms[poly, x] pulls out any overall factor in poly that does not depend on x. FactorTerms[poly, {x_1, ...
PlotRangeClipping is an option for graphics functions that specifies whether graphics objects should be clipped at the edge of the region defined by PlotRange, or should be ...