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Repeated   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
p .. or Repeated[p] is a pattern object that represents a sequence of one or more expressions, each matching p. Repeated[p, max] represents up to max expressions matching ...
Standard Namespaces   (Mathematica Guide)
Mathematica allows arbitrary hierachical namespaces. However, several standard "contexts" are conventionally used for predefined purposes.
How tos   (Mathematica Guide)
A "How to" describes how to carry out particular tasks with Mathematica, giving step-by-step instructions for common cases.
FunctionSpace   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FunctionSpace is an option for FindSequenceFunction and related functions that specifies the space of functions to consider for representations.
WeberE   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
WeberE[\[Nu], z] gives the Weber function E \[Nu] (z).WeberE[\[Nu], \[Mu], z] gives the associated Weber function E_\[Nu]^\[Mu](z).
AngerJ   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
AngerJ[\[Nu], z] gives the Anger function J_v(z).AngerJ[\[Nu], \[Mu], z] gives the associated Anger function J_\[Nu]^\[Mu](z).
In an expression like f[{a,b,c}] you are giving a list as the argument to a function. Often you need instead to apply a function directly to the elements of a list, rather ...
BetaRegularized   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
BetaRegularized[z, a, b] gives the regularized incomplete beta function I_z (a, b).
Levels in Expressions   (Mathematica Tutorial)
The Part function allows you to access specific parts of Mathematica expressions. But particularly when your expressions have fairly uniform structure, it is often convenient ...
CUDA Functions   (CUDALink Tutorial)
CUDALink is a built-in Mathematica package that provides a simple and powerful interface for using CUDA within Mathematica's streamlined work flow. CUDALink provides you with ...
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