(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: chemical/x-cif 3D molecular model file. Used in cheminformatics applications and on the web for storing and exchanging molecule models. CIF is an acronym for ...
AxesOrigin is an option for graphics functions that specifies where any axes drawn should cross.
By providing a completely extensible set of vertex and edge properties, you can make graphs represent much more than the structural information embodied in their topology. ...
IgnoreCase is an option for string manipulation and searching functions that specifies whether lowercase and uppercase letters should be treated as equivalent.
Mathematica 7 delivers the latest fruits of Wolfram Research's major long-term Computable Data Initiative, providing immediate access to curated static and dynamic data in ...
In a statement like x^4+x^2>0, Mathematica treats the variable x as having a definite, though unspecified, value. Sometimes, however, it is useful to be able to make ...
MaxwellDistribution[\[Sigma]] represents a Maxwell distribution with scale parameter \[Sigma].
KuiperTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Kuiper test.KuiperTest[data, dist] tests whether data is distributed according to dist using the Kuiper ...
Accuracy[x] gives the effective number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the number x.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Total[list] gives the total of the elements in list. Total[list, n] totals all elements down to level n. Total[list, {n}] totals elements at level n. Total[list, {n_1, n_2}] ...