Unicode: 2199. Infix arrow operator. x ↙ y is by default interpreted as LowerLeftArrow[x,y]. Extensible character; grows by default to limited size.
Unicode: 2198. Infix arrow operator. x ↘ y is by default interpreted as LowerRightArrow[x,y]. Extensible character; grows by default to limited size.
Unicode: F757. Alias: Esc math Esc. Letter-like form. Icon typically used for Mathematica. Based on a stellated icosahedron. This icon is a trademark of Wolfram Research.
Unicode: 2221. Letter-like form. Used in geometry to indicate an angle, as in the symbol ∡ ABC.
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 22BC. Alias: Esc nand Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x ⊼ y is by default interpreted as Nand[x,y].
Unicode: 2AA1. Infix ordering operator. x ⪡ y is by default interpreted as NestedLessLess[x,y]. Used to denote "much less than". Occasionally used in measure theory to denote ...
Unicode: F722. Alias: Esc :-| Esc. Letter-like form.
Unicode: 2262. Alias: Esc !=== Esc. Infix similarity operator. x ≢ y is by default interpreted as NotCongruent[x,y].
Unicode: 226D. Infix similarity operator. x ≭ y is by default interpreted as NotCupCap[x,y].
Unicode: 2226. Alias: Esc !|| Esc. Infix operator. x ∦ y is by default interpreted as NotDoubleVerticalBar[x,y]. Used in geometry to mean "not parallel to".