RussellRaoDissimilarity[u, v] gives the Russell\[Dash]Rao dissimilarity between Boolean vectors u and v.
EventLabels is an option to CandlestickChart, KagiChart, and similar functions that specifies events to labels.
Extension is an option for various polynomial and algebraic functions that specifies generators for the algebraic number field to be used.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Check[expr, failexpr] evaluates expr, and returns the result, unless messages were generated, in which case it evaluates and returns failexpr. Check[expr, failexpr, ...
OpenCLMemoryAllocate[t, len] allocates a new one-dimensional list of type t returning OpenCLMemory.OpenCLMemoryAllocate[t, {d_1, d_2, ...}] allocates a new list of dimensions ...
Combinatorica extends Mathematica by over 450 functions in combinatorics and graph theory. It includes functions for constructing graphs and other combinatorial objects, ...
LoadJavaClass[classname] loads the specified class into Java and sets up definitions so that it can be used from Mathematica.
The leading term of a polynomial can be chosen in many different ways. For multivariate polynomials, sorting by the total degree of the monomials is often useful. Different ...
CopyToClipboard[expr] replaces the contents of the clipboard with expr.
JaccardDissimilarity[u, v] gives the Jaccard dissimilarity between Boolean vectors u and v.