The first argument given to DSolve is the differential equation, the second argument is the unknown function, and the last argument identifies the independent variable. Here ...
DoubleVerticalBar[x, y, ...] displays as x \[DoubleVerticalBar] y \[DoubleVerticalBar] ....
StringFormat["string"] attempts to determine what ImportString format could be used to import the string " string".
Because GPUs are SIMD machines, to exploit CUDA's potential you must pose the problem in an SIMD manner. Computation that can be partitioned in such a way that each thread ...
OpenCLMemoryLoad[list] loads list into OpenCLMemory manager, returning an OpenCLMemory.OpenCLMemoryLoad[list, type] loads list with specified type into OpenCLMemory manager, ...
ToString[expr] gives a string corresponding to the printed form of expr in OutputForm. ToString[expr, form] gives the string corresponding to output in the specified form.
OptionInspectorSettings -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is a global option that specifies the display of options in the Option Inspector.
mint MTensor_getType (MTensor t) gets the type of an MTensor.
KagiChart[{{date_1, p_1}, {date_2, p_2}, ...}] makes a Kagi chart with prices p_i at date date_i.KagiChart[{" name", daterange}] makes a Kagi chart of closing prices for the ...
EstimatedDistribution[data, dist] estimates the parametric distribution dist from data.EstimatedDistribution[data, dist, {{p, p_0}, {q, q_0}, ...}] estimates the parameters ...