RiceDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a Rice distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta].RiceDistribution[m, \[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) MemberQ[list, form] returns True if an element of list matches form, and False otherwise. MemberQ[list, form, levelspec] tests all parts of list specified by levelspec.
StableDistribution[type, \[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents the stable distribution S_type with index of stability \[Alpha], skewness parameter \[Beta], location ...
Specifying formats for text in graphics. Here is a plot with default settings for all formats. Here is the same plot, but now using a 12-point bold font.
This tutorial introduces some basic algorithms for computing with finite permutation groups, other than those introduced in "Permutation Groups". A subgroup H of a group G ...
WrapInNETBlock is an option to AddEventHandler and NETNewDelegate that specifies whether or not the Mathematica callback function assigned to the delegate should be ...
BernoulliB[n] gives the Bernoulli number B_n. BernoulliB[n, x] gives the Bernoulli polynomial B_n (x).
MathematicaScript is an interpreter for standalone executable Mathematica scripts.
Animator[u] represents an object that displays with the value of u being continually increased from 0 to 1 with time. Animator[u, {u_min, u_max}] makes u vary from u_min to ...
EmptyGraphQ[g] yields True if g is an empty graph and False otherwise.