ReadList["file"] reads all the remaining expressions in a file and returns a list of them. ReadList["file", type] reads objects of the specified type from a file, until the ...
WatershedComponents[image] computes the watershed transform of image, returning the result as a matrix in which positive integers label the catchment ...
"Basic Plotting" describes how to plot curves in Mathematica in which you give the y coordinate of each point as a function of the x coordinate. You can also use Mathematica ...
Based on original algorithms developed at Wolfram Research, Mathematica's core randomness generation is both highly efficient and of exceptional quality. Mathematica can ...
ListAnimate[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] generates an animation whose frames are the successive expr_i. ListAnimate[list, fps] displays fps frames per second.
RotationTransform[\[Theta]] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a rotation in 2D by \[Theta] radians about the origin.RotationTransform[\[Theta], p] gives a 2D ...
Uniform sequence of signed 128-bit integers. Binary data format.
Uniform sequence of signed 16-bit integers. Binary data format.
Uniform sequence of signed 32-bit integers. Binary data format.
Uniform sequence of signed 64-bit integers. Binary data format.