In some cases, such as in a cluster environment, the machine may be run in headless mode, that is, not starting the GUI server (such as X). The operating system may ...
Many large-scale applications of linear algebra involve matrices that have many elements, but comparatively few that are nonzero. You can represent such sparse matrices ...
Building on Mathematica's extensive data manipulation capabilities, Mathematica 8 adds a wide range of new import and export features, advanced image processing algorithms, ...
FillingStyle is an option for ListPlot, Plot, Plot3D, and related functions that specifies the default style of filling to be used.
"CellLabelsToTags" is a front end token that gives a selected cell a cell tag that is the same as its current input or output prompt.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Default[f] gives the default value for arguments of the function f obtained with a _. pattern object. Default[f, i] gives the default value to use when _. appears as the ...
void MTensor_disownAll (MTensor t) disowns all references to an MTensor that was passed between a library function and Mathematica using shared memory management.
void MTensor_disown (MTensor t) disowns a reference to an MTensor that was passed between a library function and Mathematica using shared memory management.
Widget["IndexedImagePanel"] represents an indexed image panel.
PearsonChiSquareTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Pearson \[Chi]^2 test.PearsonChiSquareTest[data, dist] tests whether data is distributed ...