VerticalTilde[x, y, ...] displays as x\[VerticalTilde]y\[VerticalTilde]....
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Table[expr, {i_max}] generates a list of i_max copies of expr. Table[expr, {i, i_max}] generates a list of the values of expr when i runs from 1 to i_max. Table[expr, {i, ...
CellInformation[obj] gives information about selected cells in the notebook represented by the notebook object obj.
CommonestFilter[image, r] transforms image by replacing each pixel with the most common pixel value in its range r neighborhood.CommonestFilter[data, r] applies commonest ...
ImageClip[image] clips all channel values in image to lie in the default range.ImageClip[image, {min, max}] clips channel values to lie in the range from min to ...
KroneckerSymbol[n, m] gives the Kronecker symbol (n/m).
LaplacianFilter[image, r] convolves image with a range r Laplacian kernel.LaplacianFilter[image, {r_1, r_2}] uses ranges r_i in the vertical and horizontal ...
MouseAnnotation[] gives any mouse annotation associated with the expression at the current mouse position.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pick[list, sel] picks out those elements of list for which the corresponding element of sel is True. Pick[list, sel, patt] picks out those elements of list for which the ...
QFactorial[n, q] gives the q-factorial [n] q!.