In a typical Mathematica package, there are generally two kinds of new symbols that are introduced. The first kind are ones that you want to 'export' for use outside the ...
MomentGeneratingFunction[dist, t] gives the moment generating function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable t. MomentGeneratingFunction[dist, ...
You can use lists as tables of values. You can generate the tables, for example, by evaluating an expression for a sequence of different parameter values. This gives a table ...
LibraryLoad[lib] loads the dynamic library lib into the Mathematica runtime.
Hypergeometric1F1Regularized[a, b, z] is the regularized confluent hypergeometric function \[Null]_1 F_1 (a; b; z)/\[CapitalGamma](b).
MoebiusMu[n] gives the Möbius function \[Mu](n).
DirichletL[k, j, s] gives the Dirichlet L-function L(\[Chi], s) for the Dirichlet character \[Chi](n) with modulus k and index j.
InverseJacobiNS[v, m] gives the inverse Jacobi elliptic function ns -1 (v \[VerticalSeparator] m).
CentralMomentGeneratingFunction[dist, t] gives the central moment generating function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable t. ...
RamanujanTauTheta[t] gives the Ramanujan tau theta function \[Theta](t).