CallingConvention is an option to DefineDLLFunction that specifies what calling convention the DLL function uses.
Cascade is a setting of ModulationType, an option of function FrequencyModulation.
Triangle is a type of waveform.
BipartiteMatching[g] gives the list of edges associated with a maximum matching in bipartite graph g. If the graph is edge weighted, then the function returns a matching with ...
RandomRGF[n] returns a random restricted growth function (RGF) defined on the first n natural numbers. RandomRGF[n, k] returns a random RGF defined on the first n natural ...
RGFToSetPartition[rgf, set] converts the restricted growth function rgf into the corresponding set partition of set.
SetPartitionToRGF[sp, set] converts the set partition sp of set into the corresponding restricted growth function.
Orthogonalize, Normalize and Projection have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. Normalize can now take an arbitrary norm function.
InfixNotation[op, func] forces the box structure op to be treated as an infix operator representing the function func in input and output.
CellBracketOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for cells that specifies settings for cell brackets.