SquareWave[x] gives a square wave that alternates between +1 and -1 with unit period.SquareWave[{y_1, y_2}, x] gives a square wave that alternates between y_1 and y_2 with ...
WaveletListPlot[dwd] plots wavelet transform coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletListPlot[dwd, wind] plots wavelet transform coefficients corresponding to the ...
Graphs and networks are all around us including technological networks (the internet, power grids, telephone networks, transportation networks, ...), social networks (social ...
Convergents[list] gives a list of the convergents corresponding to the continued fraction terms list.Convergents[x, n] gives the first n convergents for a number ...
CellMargins is an option for Cell that specifies the absolute margins in printer's points to leave around a cell.
GradientFilter[image, r] gives an image corresponding to the magnitude of the gradient of image, computed using discrete derivatives of a Gaussian of pixel radius ...
KCoreComponents[g, k] gives the k-core components of the underlying simple graph of g.KCoreComponents[g, k, "InDegree"] gives the k-core components with vertex in-degrees at ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Length[expr] gives the number of elements in expr.
TetGenGetFacets[expr] returns the facets for a TetGen expression.
FunctionalGraph[f, v] takes a set v and a function f from v to v and constructs a directed graph with vertex set v and edges (x, f[x]) for each x in v. FunctionalGraph[{f_1, ...