InverseFourierCosTransform[expr, \[Omega], t] gives the symbolic inverse Fourier cosine transform of expr. InverseFourierCosTransform[expr, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, \ ...}, ...
InverseFourierSinTransform[expr, \[Omega], t] gives the symbolic inverse Fourier sine transform of expr. InverseFourierSinTransform[expr, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, \ ...}, ...
GaussianIntegers is an option for FactorInteger, PrimeQ, Factor, and related functions that specifies whether factorization should be done over Gaussian integers.
In Mathematica, graphs can be constructed in a variety of ways. They can be built from vertices and edges directly in a symbolic form. They can come from built-in curated ...
Graphs are first-class citizens in Mathematica, and can be used as input, output, in programs, and in documents. Undirected and directed graphs are treated uniformly and ...
Standard is a setting of ModulationType, an option of function FrequencyModulation.
The functionality of RotateShape, TranslateShape, and AffineShape is provided by the newly added kernel functions Rotate, Translate, Scale and GeometricTransformation. ...
New method option "PrincipalValue" has been added to the NIntegrate function of the built-in Mathematica kernel. The add-on package is now available on the web at ...
(Mathematica Compatibility Information) As of Version 7, the Pie Charts Package has been integrated into the Mathematica kernel.
ColumnWidths is an option for the low-level function GridBox which specifies the widths to use for columns.