InverseRadon[image] gives the inverse discrete Radon transform of image.InverseRadon[image, {w, h}] specifies the width w and the height h of the resulting image.
MeanShiftFilter[image, r, d] replaces each pixel with the mean of the pixels in a range-r neighborhood and whose value is within a distance d.MeanShiftFilter[array, r, d] ...
UninstallNET[] shuts down the .NET runtime that was started by InstallNET.
Mathematica provides various options for labeling three-dimensional graphics. Some of these options are directly analogous to those for two-dimensional graphics, discussed in ...
int MLPutNext (MLINK link, int type) prepares to put an object of the specified type on link.
AccuracyGoal is an option for various numerical operations which specifies how many effective digits of accuracy should be sought in the final result.
BarabasiAlbertGraphDistribution[n, k] represents a Barabasi\[Dash]Albert graph distribution for n-vertex graphs where a new vertex with k edges is added at each step.
PrecisionGoal is an option for various numerical operations which specifies how many effective digits of precision should be sought in the final result.
int MLGetMessage (MLINK link, int* code, int*param) reads an out-of-band message code from the urgent message channel associated with link and stores the code in code and any ...