MusicScale[{i_1, i_2, ...}, freq, dur] creates a Sound object that is a sequence of pitches corresponding to numbers i_1, i_2, ..., a list of intervals measured in cents, ...
Some basic matrix operations. Transposing a matrix interchanges the rows and columns in the matrix. If you transpose an m×n matrix, you get an n×m matrix as the result. ...
When you write down a set of simultaneous equations in Mathematica, you are specifying a collection of constraints between variables. When you use Solve, you are finding ...
int MLEndPacket (MLINK link) inserts an indicator in the expression stream that says the current expression is complete and is ready to be sent.
The uniquely powerful symbolic language that is the foundation for Mathematica.
Temporary is an attribute assigned to symbols which are created as local variables by Module.
Reading and Writing Mathematica Files External Programs Streams and Low-Level Input and Output
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Registered MIME type: text/html HTML markup language and file format. Predominant language for the creation of web pages. HTML is an acronym derived from Hypertext Markup ...
FaceForm[g] is a graphics directive which specifies that faces of polygons and other filled graphics objects are to be drawn using the graphics directive or list of ...