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Two-Dimensional Graphics Elements   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Basic two-dimensional graphics elements. Here is a line primitive. This shows the line as a two-dimensional graphics object.
RemoteServicesAgents   (Lightweight Grid Client Symbol)
RemoteServicesAgents[] returns a list of URLs for Lightweight Grid managers discovered on the local network.RemoteServicesAgents["agent"] returns a list of agent URLs known ...
NFourierCoefficient   (Fourier Series Package Symbol)
NFourierCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n \[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier exponential series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...
NFourierSinCoefficient   (Fourier Series Package Symbol)
NFourierSinCoefficient[expr, t, n] gives a numerical approximation to the n\[Null]^th coefficient in the Fourier sine series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic ...
Radius   (Numerical Calculus Package Symbol)
Radius is an option to NSeries that specifies the radius of the circle around which the function is to be sampled.
ToSymbolicXML   (XML Package Symbol)
ToSymbolicXML[expr] converts an expression expr to an appropriate XML format and returns the result as SymbolicXML.
Cuboid   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Cuboid[{x_min, y_min, z_min}] is a three-dimensional graphics primitive that represents a unit cube, oriented parallel to the axes. Cuboid[{x_min, y_min, z_min}, {x_max, ...
GroupStabilizerChain   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
GroupStabilizerChain[group] returns a list of successive stabilizers in group of the points in a base of group.
ListCorrelate   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ListCorrelate[ker, list] forms the correlation of the kernel ker with list. ListCorrelate[ker, list, k] forms the cyclic correlation in which the k \[Null]^th element of ker ...
CompileEvaluate   (Experimental Package Symbol)
CompileEvaluate[expr] compiles expr and then evaluates the resulting compiled code.
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