EllipticTheta[a, u, q] gives the theta function \[CurlyTheta]_a (u, q) (a = 1, ..., 4).
MathLink provides a mechanism through which programs can interact with Mathematica. Some typical uses of MathLink. MathLink provides a general interface for external programs ...
HypergeometricPFQ[{a_1, ..., a_p}, {b_1, ..., b_q}, z] is the generalized hypergeometric function \[Null]_p F_q (a; b; z).
Mathematica immediately allows you to call both standalone programs and individual functions or methods within running programs. Mathematica's architecture allows external ...
The primes have been a focal point for investigations of numbers for more than two millennia. Mathematica implements state-of-the-art algorithms for handling both primes and ...
Subfactorial[n] gives the number of permutations of n objects that leave no object fixed.
Every new version of Mathematica contains many new features. But careful design from the outset has allowed nearly total compatibility to be maintained between all versions. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Save["filename", symbol] appends definitions associated with the specified symbol to a file. Save["filename", " form"] appends definitions associated with all symbols whose ...
DSolve can find solutions for most of the standard linear second-order ODEs that occur in applied mathematics. Here is the solution for Airy's equation. Here is a plot that ...
QPochhammer[a, q, n] gives the q-Pochhammer symbol (a; q) n.QPochhammer[a, q] gives the q-Pochhammer symbol (a; q) \[Infinity].QPochhammer[q] gives the q-Pochhammer symbol ...