Type the expression that will have an overscript. Type x. Create an overscript by pressing the Control key and the 7 key at the same time.
CloseFrontEnd[] closes the link to the front end that was opened by UseFrontEnd[] or ConnectToFrontEnd[].
LanguageSyntax is an option to NETTypeInfo that specifies which language syntax will be used to display the type information.
The symbolic functions in Calculus`FourierTransform` have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. The numerical functionality in Calculus`FourierTransform` is now ...
The new two-parameter form of ParametricPlot now provides the functionality of Graphics`ComplexMap`.
All the functionality of Miscellaneous`StandardAtmosphere`is now available in the newly created Standard Atmosphere Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`ComputerArithmetic` is now available in the newly created Computer Arithmetic Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`GaussianQuadrature`is now available in the newly created Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`NewtonCotes` is now available in the newly created Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package.
All the functionality of NumericalMath`NLimit` is now available in the newly created Numerical Calculus Package.