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Functions for manipulating elements in explicit lists. This gives a list with x prepended. This inserts x so that it becomes element number 2.
CUDAArgMaxList   (CUDALink Symbol)
CUDAArgMaxList[list] gives the index of the maximum element in list.
CUDAFluidDynamics   (CUDALink Symbol)
CUDAFluidDynamics[] demonstrates computational fluid dynamics using CUDALink.
CUDATotal   (CUDALink Symbol)
CUDATotal[vec] gives the total of the absolute value of a vector vec.
CUDAVolumetricRender   (CUDALink Symbol)
CUDAVolumetricRender[vol] performs volumetric rendering using the input data.
.NET User Interfaces   (NETLink Guide)
NormalDashed   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
NormalDashed is a value that the option EdgeStyle can take on in the graph data structure or in ShowGraph.
ThickDashed   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
ThickDashed is a value that the option EdgeStyle can take on in the graph data structure or in ShowGraph.
ThinDashed   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
ThinDashed is a value that the option EdgeStyle can take on in the graph data structure or in ShowGraph.
UnitransitiveGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
UnitransitiveGraph returns a 20-vertex, 3-unitransitive graph, discovered by Coxeter, that is not isomorphic to a 4-cage or a 5-cage.
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