EdgeColor is an option that allows the user to associate colors with edges. Black is the default color. EdgeColor can be set as part of the graph data structure or in ...
EdgeLabelColor is an option that allows the user to associate different colors to edge labels. Black is the default color. EdgeLabelColor can be set as part of the graph data ...
EdgeLabelPosition is an option that allows the user to place an edge label in a certain position relative to the midpoint of the edge. LowerLeft is the default value of this ...
EdgeStyle is an option that allows the user to associate different sizes and shapes to edges. A line segment is the default edge. EdgeStyle can be set as part of the graph ...
EmptyGraph[n] generates an empty graph on n vertices. An option Type that can take on values Directed or Undirected is provided. The default setting is Type -> Undirected.
HamiltonianQ[g] yields True if there exists a Hamiltonian cycle in graph g, or in other words, if there exists a cycle that visits each vertex exactly once.
Neighborhood[g, v, k] returns the subset of vertices in g that are at a distance of k or less from vertex v. Neighborhood[al, v, k] behaves identically, except that it takes ...
VertexLabelColor is an option that allows the user to associate different colors to vertex labels.
VertexLabelPosition is an option that allows the user to place a vertex label in a certain position relative to the vertex.
VertexNumberColor is an option that can be used in ShowGraph to associate different colors to vertex numbers.