Mathematica can import—and often export—standard formats used in chemistry, molecular biology and bioinformatics, routinely handling a full range of molecular types, as well ...
Check Spelling opens the Check Spelling dialog box and searches for misspelled words.
Convert To opens a submenu for converting a cell to another form, format, or display form.
New creates a new notebook, slide show, Demonstration, package, or text document.
AcyclicGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g is an acyclic graph and False otherwise.
AutoMultiplicationSymbol is an option for objects such as Cell and Notebook that specifies whether to automatically display a multiplication symbol between numbers that would ...
CellLabel is an option for Cell which gives the label to use for a particular cell.
FontColor is an option for Style, Cell, and related constructs that specifies the default color in which to render text.
ImageDimensions[image] gives the pixel dimensions of the raster associated with an Image object image.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ImageQ[image] yields True if image has the form of a valid Image object, and False otherwise.