Matrix representations of graphs go back a long time and are still in some areas the only way to represent graphs. Adjacency matrices represent adjacent vertices and ...
Mathematica can export dynamic visualizations to common multimedia formats, as well as being able to import animated graphics and other data.
The central limit theorem asserts that means of independent, identically distributed variables will converge to a normal distribution provided they are light tailed enough. ...
Urn models have a long history, starting with Laplace suggesting in 1786 that France's population be estimated by an urn-sampling scheme. They are conceptually relatively ...
Mathematica options starts the full Mathematica system including notebook interface on Windows and Mac.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) All is a setting used for certain options. In Part and related functions, All specifies all parts at a particular level.
AutoScroll is an option to SelectionMove and related functions that specifies whether a notebook should automatically be scrolled to display the current selection.
Bookmarks is an option for Manipulate and related functions that gives a list of bookmark settings.
BoxStyle is an option for three-dimensional graphics functions that specifies how the bounding box should be rendered.