BSplineSurface[array] is a graphics primitive that represents a non-uniform rational B-spline surface defined by an array of x, y, z control points.
CoefficientRules[poly, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives the list {{e_11, e_12, ...} -> c_1, {e_21, ...} -> c_2, ...} of exponent vectors and coefficients for the monomials in poly with ...
ControllabilityGramian[ss] gives the controllability Gramian of the StateSpaceModel object ss.
DepthFirstScan[g, s, {"event_1" -> f_1, "event_2" -> f_2, ...}] performs a depth-first scan of the graph g starting at the vertex s and evaluates f_i whenever "event_i" ...
DualSystemsModel[ss] gives the dual of the StateSpaceModel object ss.
EdgeCount[g] gives a count of the number of edges in the graph g.EdgeCount[g, patt] gives a count of the number of edges that match the pattern patt.
ExtentSize is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that specifies how far to extend out from each plot point.
FrameStyle is an option for Graphics, Grid, and other constructs that specifies the style in which to draw frames.
KarhunenLoeveDecomposition[{a_1, a_2, ...}] gives the Karhunen\[Dash]Loeve transform {b_1, b_2, ...} of the numerical arrays {a_1, a_2, ...} and the transformation matrix m, ...
NeighborhoodGraph[g, v] gives the graph neighborhood vertex v in the graph g. NeighborhoodGraph[g, {a_1, a_2, ...}] gives the graph neighborhood of the a_i that can be ...