BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.BiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a biorthogonal spline wavelet of ...
ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[] represents a reverse biorthogonal spline wavelet of order 4 and dual order 2.ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet[n, m] represents a reverse ...
KelvinBei[z] gives the Kelvin function bei(z).KelvinBei[n, z] gives the Kelvin function bei_n (z).
KelvinKei[z] gives the Kelvin function kei(z).KelvinKei[n, z] gives the Kelvin function kei_n (z).
Simplifying expressions. Mathematica does not automatically simplify an algebraic expression like this. Simplify performs the simplification.
KelvinKer[z] gives the Kelvin function ker(z).KelvinKer[n, z] gives the Kelvin function ker_n (z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Array[f, n] generates a list of length n, with elements f[i]. Array[f, {n_1, n_2, ...}] generates an n_1*n_2*... array of nested lists, with elements f[i_1, i_2, ...]. ...
ListDeconvolve[ker, list] gives a deconvolution of list using kernel ker.
$Language is a list of strings which give the names of languages to use for messages.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Nor[e_1, e_2, ...] is the logical NOR function. It evaluates its arguments in order, giving False immediately if any of them are True, and True if they are all False.