MathieuGroupM23[] represents the sporadic simple Mathieu group M_23.
MathLink allows you to exchange data of any type with external programs. For more common types of data, you simply need to give appropriate :ArgumentTypes: or :ReturnType: ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs -> rhs or lhs -> rhs represents a rule that transforms lhs to rhs.
DistributedContexts is an option for various parallel computing functions that specifies which definitions for symbols appearing in an expression should be distributed to all ...
$DistributedContexts is the default value of the DistributedContexts option of functions such as ParallelTable and ParallelMap.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sqrt[z] or Sqrt[z] gives the square root of z.
Edit Stylesheet edits the style definitions for the current notebook.
int MLSetYieldFunction (MLINK link, MLYieldFunctionObject yf) installs the yield function yf for the link referenced by link.
MLYieldFunctionObject is a MathLink type that describes a function pointer to a function taking an MLINK object as an argument and a MLYieldParameters object as an argument ...