ImageForwardTransformation[image, function] gives an image in which each pixel at position function[{x, y}] corresponds to the position {x, y} in ...
ImagePerspectiveTransformation[image, m] applies a linear fractional transform specified by a matrix m to the positions of each pixel in ...
PolynomialExtendedGCD[poly_1, poly_2, x] gives the extended GCD of poly_1 and poly_2 treated as univariate polynomials in x.PolynomialExtendedGCD[poly_1, poly_2, x, Modulus ...
PrecisionGoal is an option for various numerical operations which specifies how many effective digits of precision should be sought in the final result.
SpheroidalEigenvalue[n, m, \[Gamma]] gives the spheroidal eigenvalue with degree n and order m.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Throw[value] stops evaluation and returns value as the value of the nearest enclosing Catch. Throw[value, tag] is caught only by Catch[expr, form] where form is a pattern ...
UnitVector[k] gives the two-dimensional unit vector in the k\[Null]^th direction.UnitVector[n, k] gives the n-dimensional unit vector in the k\[Null]^th direction.
VertexCount[g] gives a count of the number of vertices in the graph g.VertexCount[g, patt] gives a count of the number of vertices that match the pattern patt.
WeightedAdjacencyMatrix[g] gives the adjacency matrix of edge weights of the graph g.
In doing numerical operations like NDSolve and NMinimize, Mathematica by default uses machine numbers. But by setting the option WorkingPrecision->n you can tell it to use ...